Welcome to Accounting

Benefits and features

Bank anytime, anywhere

View all your account activity and balances, pay bills automatically, set up e-mail alerts and more.

Transfer and send money

Move funds between your accounts and schedule transfers, plus use Send Money with Zelle® to pay friends quickly, easily and for free

Planning & Investments Offers

Whether you choose to work with a financial advisor and develop a financial strategy or invest online, Fergion Micro- Finance Company offers insights, expertise and tools to help you reach your goals. Check here for the latest Fergion Micro- Finance Company online investing offers, promotions, and coupons. IN PARTNERSHIP WITH UBS BANK, JP MORGAN, BANK CLER AND POST FINANCE. NOTE: INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE PRODUCTS ARE: • NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY • NOT A DEPOSIT OR OTHER OBLIGATION OF, OR GUARANTEED BY, Fergion Micro- Finance Company, N.A. OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES • SUBJECT TO INVESTMENT RISKS, INCLUDING POSSIBLE LOSS OF THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT INVESTED

Bank securely with the latest technology

Log in with Touch ID and single-use security code. At setup, you can select how to receive your security code: text or voice message

Deposit checks from your mobile device

Fergion Micro- Finance Company Mobile Deposit2 is so simple, we take the picture for you. Save time, gas and paper, and access your funds the next business day3

Enroll in Online Banking.

Get the most out of your Fergion Micro- Finance Company accounts with secure online services like Bill Pay, Send Money with Zelle1, online statements, e-mail alerts and more.

Download the Fergion Micro- Finance Company Mobile Banking App.

Available for your smartphone and tablet, you can easily and securely check your balances, make transfers, pay bills, deposit checks and more.

New to digital banking?

Find out what you'll need to enroll and explore FAQs to help you get started with online banking and the mobile app.

Growth & Funding Access

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Years of Experienced
Loan Disbursed
Awards Won
Expert Consultant
Fergion Micro- Finance Company Commercial Banking

Explore Commercial Banking products and services


Frequently Asks Questions

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  1. If you are enrolled in Online Banking, simply use your user name and password to log in to your accounts through the Fergion Micro- Finance Company app.
  2. After logging in, Android® and iPhone®
  3. users may also enroll in the Fergion Micro- Finance Company Mobile Deposit service to deposit checks using the mobile app.
  4. To enroll, select Mobile Deposit from the Main Menu, then review and accept the
  5. If you are not currently registered for Online Banking, sign up online.
  1. Download the Android app from the Google Play store*
  2. Download the iPhone or iPad apps from iTunes*
  3. *Fergion Micro- Finance Company mobile app is only available in English at this time.
  4. iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad are trademarks of Apple, Inc.
  5. By clicking on this link you are leaving our website and entering a third-party website over which we have no control.
  1. Fergion Micro- Finance Company Mobile Deposit allows you to deposit a check through the Fergion Micro- Finance Company mobile app using your internet-enabled iPhone® or Android™ mobile device, provided your device has a camera. You must be an Online or Mobile banking customer, and enrolled in the Fergion Micro- Finance Company Mobile Deposit service. In the Fergion Micro- Finance Company mobile app, select "Mobile Deposit," then follow the steps to enroll or deposit a check.

COVID-19 update: Please note that changes to store operations continue to develop. For the most up to date list of reduced hours and closures - and how to bank from home

Fergion Micro- Finance Company E Banking

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